It’s Not the Little Things…or the Big Things

We have all heard “It’s the little things that matter most” or “It’s the big things that count”. Both of these phrases apply in individual cases. For example – Little gifts friends give to each other. (Like boot socks given to a woman who just moved from Florida to Utah) or Big things like out of state Grandparents choosing to be at every big event, graduation, wedding or birth of a new grandchild.

Still, I don’t think these statements really apply to us and our relationship with God.

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

It’s not the little things or the big things, it is All Things. God has been reinforcing that to us these past few weeks. We have been struggling to find our place here in Utah. I have, in particular, struggled balancing what I should be doing for ministry work and trying to work enough “secular” work to feed my family. After a lot of prayer and bible study, I am reminded that there is to be no separation between “ministry” work and “secular” work. If I am doing ALL things in the name of the Lord Jesus, that is what matters.

I have had a couple of good moments where my bosses have recognized me at work, both at the hotel and riding the pedicab. Sadly, I have not always taken those moments and turned them into opportunities to glorify the One who really deserves it. As I start another new job tonight, working for, I am seeking to be pleasing to God in ALL things. Little and Big.

– Barry

Barry is absolutely right. Our goal in everything we do should be to glorify Him. How I homeschool the Littles, how I maintain our home and my overall attitude should be just as much of a witness as standing at Temple Square sharing the love of Christ.

My conviction in these past several week has been about my attitude. I read about Jonah and his push back against God’s desire for him to go to Nineveh. God was clear. Jonah was too. “No thanks, God.”  What Jonah would soon learn is that you can either obey or pay. Jonah finally did follow God’s direction but only after he’d been in a horrible storm, cast overboard, spent time in the smelly belly of a fish & then vomited onto the beach. None of which sounds appealing.

When God called us to move to Utah, we did. However, I am convicted that perhaps I am even worse than Jonah. At least he did his grumbling right up front. I waited until we were here to start complaining. God – This is so hard! Why us? How are we going to have enough money to support ourselves? Who will listen to us? We don’t even know anyone here, God. I miss my family and friends, this seems kind of unfair. Why do Conor and Reagan have to feel the sadness too? Blah, Blah, Blah.

In an effort not to become fish vomit, I am praying for God to be the King of my mind and my attitude. He knows this is hard. Why not us? God will provide for us financially; one way or another. Even if they don’t listen, our job is only to pray and to share the Gospel and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. God will bring relationships. It’s ok to miss my people. Besides, He orchestrated this move in a time of free long distance, Facebook and Skype. God loves Conor and Reagan so much and He will be their comforter. It’s my job to teach them that in those difficult times.

Thank you, God, for your grace and patience with a wretch like me.

~ Jennifer

2 thoughts on “It’s Not the Little Things…or the Big Things

  1. Dana D November 14, 2013 at 2:16 am Reply

    My heart breaks for how hard this must be, but rejoices that your hearts are tender enough to seek Christ’s comfort.
    I think of you guys often and pray for you constantly.

  2. K.L. Smith December 5, 2013 at 6:36 pm Reply

    Good thoughts about work – all true. Sorry I missed your call on Dec. 3. Try again and we will talk about recent changes. DId you receive a UPS shipment recently? The office sent them out before I placed a note inside. Hope you can use them or trade them?

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